
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Reading Intervention Ready! (Again)

The Reading Intervention that I talked about in the last post is active again and ready to download. I'll have it up for free until at least the end of the week--maybe later if I forget about it. :)

We spent the past week at the beach. My sons learned how to use the field guide and grew quite adept at telling the differences between the various kinds of egrets that we saw. Watching them look back and forth between the field guides convinced me that I must put up some bird feeders outside my classroom window this year. It was just fascinating to hear them talk--"Look here, it's a kind of egret"--and "I've never seen that one before, maybe it's a kind of heron?"

We also had a chance to see tiny ghost crabs up close, as well as the sika deer of Assateague. The sika deer are introduced species that I look forward to writing about. But best of all for my youngest? Right in the middle of Ocean City--a very built-up, commercial area--we could look down from our balcony and see foxes playing in the dunes!

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